Dynamic Languages

Project Type

VR Development


Conquer your fear of speaking through simulated interactions with virtual amigos in 360 video encounters.

On-Demand immersive lessons with enthusiastic teachers! Use speech recognition to improve your pronunciation and progress through the interactions.

Build your speaking confidence in realistic scenarios, which simulate the emotions and nerves of speaking a foreign language.

Discover the culture, history, and language in immersive, interactive videos in Trips around the UK, Spain, and Japan.

Explore Trips and feel like you’re on holiday, soaking up the sights and sounds of another country!

Immerse yourself in guided tours around breathtaking sites.


Our Role

Morning Calm Productions required developers that could produce new features immediately. They had countless hours of 360-degree video content produced for their Japanese lesson plan and needed a dev team to implement the Japanese content, fix bugs as well as integrate new speech recognition that had better detection for Japanese than what they were currently using.

Tech and Tools

  • Unity
  • Wit.ai
  • Azure AI Services
  • Firebase Auth
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Cloud Storage
  • Firebase Functions
  • Firebase Hosting
  • Mixpanel
  • Stripe
  • Vimeo
  • AWS S3